
About us

The campaign was founded by the late Mr. Mahdi Al-Sayed Sharaf in 1953, and was then called the campaign of Mr. Mahdi, and the campaign gained its position from the standpoint of serving the true Islamic religion and the school of Ahl al-Bayt peace be upon them, and contributing to facilitating ways sincerely to serve pilgrims and visitors, and to find what suits the taste of the pilgrim of services that rise to the level of his ambition, and of course, this is a position of pride and pride in serving the brothers and sisters of pilgrims and visitors, which was emphasized by the late father

There are several factors that contributed to the forefront of "honor", including:

1- It is the first Gulf campaigns in terms of providing services in Arafat and Mina from health facilities and potable water, in the forties and fifties of the last century these services were very scarce. 
2- It is the first Gulf campaign that contracted with hotels in Medina during the Great Hajj.

3- The first Bahraini campaign that moved the Gulf pilgrim from crowded areas and buildings that are not prepared for housing in Makkah to less stressed health areas.

4- The first campaign used open buses instead of "lorries" trucks to transport 

In addition to the above, "Honor" was and still is full of a constellation of distinguished scholars for religious guidance, and it was called the "Hawza Scientific Campaign" because of the large number of distinguished scholars in it.

The late Sayyid Mahdi, along with his brother Sayyid Shubar al-Sharaf, many members of the family and the men of the village of Maqabah and other villages, together with his sons Sayyid Muhammad Saleh and Mr. Jaafar, trained and prepared many cadres with high efficiency, and some of them even established their own campaign.
The campaign's services were developed by the children, as it is the first Bahraini campaign that created the Holy Mashhad program (Bahrain / Mashhad / Bahrain).

Office address:
P.O BOX: 30888
Building : 209
Road: 31
Block: 447
Alqadam – kingdom of Bahrain